Websites that Run on Magic and Wizardry, aka Ruby on Rails
As a novice programmer, being introduced to Ruby on Rails (Rails for short), a Ruby-based web application framework, brought me into a whole new world with seemingly limitless possibilities. Created by David Heinemeier Hansson, Rails was brought to into this world with the goal of helping programmers become more productive, and happy . Rails places heavy emphasis "Convention over Configuration", meaning that programmers only have to specify and code out non-standard parts of a program. With Rails, beginner programmers like myself to build large, complex applications. To demonstrate how large, we'll look at 10 tech giants that were built using Rails: Connecting travellers with hosts looking to rent their house space to others, Airbnb has over 3 million listings in 190+ countries and provides services to over 200M people worldwide. CrunchBase serves as the Wikipedia of startups, and is the ultimate go-to website to see which companies are investing the co...